JobsHorn learns information about the users in order to help jobseekers to get jobs. CCPA has broader definition on “sell”, we don’t exchange data for money or for information. The user data we obtain during the course of user on JobsHorn is for security and jobs display purpose only.
JobsHorn will never sell the information to third parties for money or in exchange of information or for money.
California residents have right to delete the account which will permanently delete all data related to job seeker, JobsHorn cannot retrieve data in case job seeker requests data.
After account deletion, Job Seeker can always comeback to JobsHorn to get our services, this will be a new registration.
The below reasons are part of JobsHorn mission to help and gear you to find your dream job. When job seeker makes profile public, this is not considered as transfer/sell information, job seeker themselves allowed to be visible to employers looking for hiring.
Allowing employers to see only high level information to analyze how many people want jobs. This search will not show any personal data, user account is part of group count only.
Sharing data with JobsHorn affiliates allows job seeker to access more job listings and employers and for employers to access more people looking for jobs in the category employers are hiring or going to hire in the future.
When job seeker profile is public or private and applied for a job and data is transferred to employer or viewed by employer is not considered as transfer/sell.
Job Seeker, go to home page and change “profile visibility” to ‘No’.
If jobs seeker applies for job, job seeker is giving permission to share personal information with employer and they can access job seeker information under applications received, job seeker gave employer to have their personal data in a job application.
Job Seeker, go to settings page and continue ‘Delete Account’ steps and confirm deletion. To confirm account is deleted, try login to JobsHorn with your user id and password.
Deleting a job seeker account will not delete job applicants’ data, job seeker gave employer to have their personal data in a job application.
JobsHorn will adhere and implement CCPA guidelines by closely watching changes to law.
Anyone can a view or access JobsHorn. To input your personal information, you have to register as user and continue with your new account registration.
A job seeker can continue job finding by changing profile visibility to No. Employers search will not show this job seeker account. Only when job seeker applies for job, personal data will be shared with employer and Applicants data is not job seekers personal information, this is transferred to employer.
A job seeker can permanently delete account. JobsHorn will delete all personal information and cannot retrieve data and JobsHorn will not retain any personal data related to jobseeker.